Learn To Play Guitar At Any Age
Learning resources for those interested in learning guitar. No matter what age you are, you can learn to play. I did!
Here to help you play better guitar with the best resources and to help organizations that help people in need.

Learn To Play Guitar Articles
If I only knew then…what I know now!
I have been having fun playing guitar since I picked it up for the first time. Having fun is the most important thing! In addition I wanted to write down, not only how I learned, but more importantly, what I would do differently. Furthermore I hope the articles I write helps you in your guitar learning journey.
Guitar Gear
You gotta have the gear!
You don’t need a whole lot, but you will need at least the minimum gear to get started. In addition the reviews and articles on gear will give you some idea of what you will need to get started. As well find out what you will need according to how far you take your guitar playing.
Learn To Play Guitar Course
Learn what skills you need to start playing!
It can be very overwhelming when looking for a good learn at home course or instructor online. I generally find that most online instructors have almost too much information and in many cases not in any logical order. The biggest mistake people make is trying to learn too much at once. of course everyone learns differently.
The course I chose is .

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