Guitar Types
Learning resources for those interested in learning guitar. No matter what age you are, you can learn to play. I did!
Here to help you play better guitar with the best gear and to help organizations that help people in need.

Guitar Types That Suit You
You may or may not have been to a guitar store shopping for a new guitar. It can be a little overwhelming. The best thing to do is to take the guitars down and try them. Try as many as you can to get a feel for them. Another consideration is the sound. I like a warmer sounding guitar while others may prefer a more brighter sounding guitar. Having said that I have put together a comprehensive list of guitar types below.
Parlor Guitars
These are the smallest sized guitars that range from 36 and 40 inches. They were popular in the 19th century. Ladies would play them in the parlor for guests and family, thus the name.
These guitars are very easy to play and are becoming more popular even with professional musicians.
OM & Grand Concert Guitars
The next size up are OM (Orchestra Model) and Grand Concert size guitars. Most companies are offering these guitars with solid spruce tops.
These guitars are probably the most popular with professional musicians and those looking to play fingerstyle.
Dreadnaught Guitars
The common guitar you will see, especially with older players. They are a little bigger than grand concerts. Just big enough to make it uncomfortable for some people to play.
These guitars will give you a lot more volume when played unplugged.
Jumbo Guitars
These are not too common. They are a large bodied guitar. This is definitely not the size of guitar you should get if you are just learning.
These guitars will give you the most volume when played unplugged.
My Opinion
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