Learn To Play Guitar Articles
Learning resources for those interested in learning guitar. No matter what age you are, you can learn to play. I did!
Here to help you play better guitar with the the best resources and to help organizations that help people in need.

Beginner Learning Articles
- Tips For Beginners Before you jump in and buy gear and lessons you should take some things into consideration first.
Chords and Lyrics
- Guitar Chords and Lyrics Want to play some tunes but you don’t know the chords or lyrics. Check out these sites for free chords and lyrics.
- Are Smaller Guitars Easier To Play? If you are on the smaller size, or just a beginner, you should read this.
- Guitar Types Suited For You You may or may not have been to a guitar store shopping for a new guitar. It can be a little overwhelming. The best thing to do is to take the guitars down and try them.
Gear Recommendation
The Yamaha FS800 is possibly the best grand concert size guitar on the market. If you are looking for a quality made instrument with lots of power for jamming or playing at kitchen parties, as well as ease of play, then you need to check out the Yamaha FS800.
Guitar Strings
- Guitar String Types You may not know how many choices in strings you have for your guitar and what set of strings are the best for you.
Music Festivals
- Music Festivals Worldwide This is one of our favorite things to do in the summer, find festivals and accommodations.
Open Mics & Jam Sessions
- Get Your Jam On Comprehensive list of Jam sessions and open mics, because it’s what we like to do.
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You will find third party affiliate links on our site. We may earn a small commission from these links, at no extra cost to you! 20% of what we make is donated to organizations that provide help for families in need. We do not collect any information or credit card information from you. You deal directly with the retailers and get the same prices deals, etc. as anyone else. Thank you