Are Smaller Easier To Play?
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Are Smaller Guitars Easier To Play?
Smaller guitars are definitely easier to play. This is especially true if you are just starting out, or are a little bit on the smaller size. This doesn’t really apply if you have small or large hands. Most guitar players will tell you that whether your hands are big or small, you can play most any guitar. There is however a comfort level, for your body type, when holding and playing the guitar.
Your Body Type
If you are on the smaller size, or you are just a beginner, you may want to look at a smaller guitar size. The main reason is an obvious one, it’s just more comfortable to play. I’m seventy years old and I play a smaller guitar. I find the smaller guitar size so much more comfortable to play. This I do notice when I put a larger sized guitar like a dreadnaught or jumbo in my hands. Forming chords is not an issue but strumming or fingerstyle is a little harder.
Three Types Of Smaller Sized Guitars
The types of smaller guitars you should be looking at are OM (Orchestra Model), Grand Concert and Parlor.
Grand Concert is slightly larger and longer than OM, but very similar in size. Grand Concert guitars are often chosen by fingerstyle players due to its maneuverability and volume, while OM offers a more balanced tone.
You may not even be able to tell the difference in size by looking at them. When buying a guitar you will want a solid top. Whether that is spruce, cedar, mahogany, etc. The neck on these guitars are not that much different than a dreadnaught and the string spacing is just slightly narrower. The biggest difference that really helps is the depth of these guitars. Much narrower and much easier to hold.
The third type of smaller guitar is the Parlor size. These guitars became popular in the 19th century when women did a lot of the musical entertainment. Most of the time they would play these small guitars in the parlor for the family or visitors.
This size guitar is perfect for a child or smaller person. Very comfortable to hold and play. Just like the Oms and grand Concerts you will want one with a solid top for volume. In addition parlor guitars along with OMs and Grand Concerts are becoming more popular with professional musicians.
Your Best Bet For A Smaller Guitar
My best recommendation for a smaller guitar is the Yamaha FS800. I recently purchased one myself. They have a solid spruce top and laminated mahogany sides and back. These amazing guitars are only $299 Canadian (about 210 US). For a small low cost guitar, the sound you get out of these is amazing.
Listen to this guitar instructor play one that a student of his bought to learn how to play. After you hear it you can close the page to come back here. Hear it now! Just amazing for the cost of it. I love it.
To Sum Up
If you are just a beginner, on the smaller size or looking to get into fingerstyle then you should be looking into smaller sized guitars like a grand concert. The reason I recommend the Yamaha FS800 style guitar is because of the value you get for the price. Yamaha have always been leaders in quality made guitars. After you play it for awhile you can always upgrade or go up a size to a dreadnaught. But after you play the Yamaha FS800 for awhile you may not want to.
My Opinion
I want to thank you for taking time to read my article. Some may not agree with my opinions or observations. This is your right to do so. If I have made a factual mistake in my articles please contact me with any corrections you may have along with y7our fact checking references. Thanks you
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