Tips For Beginners
Learning resources for those interested in learning guitar. No matter what age you are, you can learn to play. I did!
Here to help you play better guitar with the best tips and to help organizations that help people in need.

Tips For Beginners

I have been playing guitar now for about twelve years. I’ve come a long way from picking up the guitar for the first time to where I am now.
What I am laying out below are the things I have learned. In particular what I would avoid doing if I were beginning guitar player.
Questions To Ask Before You Start Learning
Do I really want to learn to play guitar?
Some people are going to know this right away if they really want to learn the guitar. It’s a feeling they get, you can call it passion. It gets them excited thinking about it. This is what you need to ask yourself. Is this really what I want to do. Am I learning just because my friend plays or because it looks cool.
When I got the bug I was in Florida for the winter. Every Friday night they would have music for fun at the rec center. The first time I experienced that I said to myself, I want to do that. I bought my first guitar that year and haven’t put it down since.
Can I find someone to play with?
Do you know anyone you can sit down with and play? That may not be easy for some, but if you can find a friend to play with then great. It’s certainly not to say that you can’t learn on your own. But having a jam buddy is priceless. I was lucky that I had a friend that loved to play and sing. He would let me strum along, and he put up with my bad playing for years.
Today there are three of us who get together. One of our jam buddies is a tremendous player. Every time I get together with them I learn something new. No matter how small, what I learn makes me a better player. Those jam sessions are ten times more valuable to learning than hours of practice on your own.
Do I want to commit to practice?
Oh that dreaded and hated “P” word. There are really two reasons for that. The first is that most people think they have to practice for hours on end. Good news, no you don’t. In fact hours and hours of practice can be counter productive. You are better off picking the guitar up for ten minutes a day or every other day rather than sitting down for a one or two hour session. You can even practice without a guitar. Walk around with a pick in your fingers to get use to it, or practice air strumming. Remember muscle memory takes time.
Most importantly make practice fun. Find an instructor, in person or online, that you connect with that makes learning fun. Once you get to a certain point, and you have the time, you can practice more. In the beginning, practice in short sessions. Remember practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent.
Ready To Learn?
So you are excited to learn and will commit to some sort of routine practice session. The next step in my opinion is to find some half decent guitar for you to start. To start I always recommend getting a grand concert size guitar to start. This size guitar will be good for just about anyone to learn on. If you are a very small person or a child you want to look at a parlor size or 3/4 size guitar.
Some people have good intentions. You may have been given a guitar from a friend or member of the family. If you find it too big and uncomfortable you will need to make a tough decision without hurting the feelings of someone. But, it is you learning not theirs, and hopefully they will understand if you have to sell it or trade it for another.
My best recommendation for a smaller guitar is the Yamaha FS800. I recently purchased one myself. They have a solid spruce top and laminated mahogany sides and back. These amazing guitars are only $299 Canadian (about 210 US). For a small low cost guitar, the sound you get out of these is amazing.
Listen to this guitar instructor play one that a student of his bought to learn how to play.
After you hear it you can close the page to come back here.
Hear it now! Just amazing for the cost of it. I love it.
My Opinion
I want to thank you for taking time to read my article. Some may not agree with my opinions or observations. This is your right to do so. If I have made a factual mistake in my articles please contact me with any corrections you may have along with your fact checking references. Thanks you
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